Cold Sore / The Light split 7"

  • Cold Sore / The Light split 7
  • Cold Sore / The Light split 7

Cold Sore / The Light split 7"

Two bands offering up a combined five tracks of unrelenting hardcore fury. Ohio’s Cold Sore play a straight forward tough meat & potatoes version of hardcore but with a more progressive take on the lyrics, although with a bit of a violent flair. Fist pumping anthems with to the point lyrics that call for the death and maiming of rapists. sexists, homophobes, transphobes and really anyone standing in their way. The Light offer up a more poetic approach with two scorching D-Beat stompers complete with expected thought provoking lyrics which counter Cold Sore’s bluntness nicely. Cover photo shot by the inimitable Jim Nastic of Black Fork fame. Sadly this record saw the light of day a bit late and both bands had pretty much stopped playing at that time. Still a highly recommended piece of hardcore history.

Released by King of the Monsters Records on Clear Red vinyl.

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